Hi There,
I'm Manasseh Kabutey

I am into

About Me

About Me

I'm Manasseh

As a versatile developer with a passion for both mobile and web technologies, I specialize in creating applications and websites. My expertise lies in using Angular for web development and Flutter for mobile app development. I'm constantly striving to enhance my coding skills and develop innovative solutions. In addition to my technical pursuits, I have a creative side as well - I enjoy playing the saxophone. 🎷

email : kabuteymanasseh5@gmail.com

place : Tema, Ghana

Skills & Abilities

My Education

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.

Bachelor of computer Science and Engineering

University of Mines and Technology | Tarkwa

2023 - 2026 | Pursuing

Certificate in software Development

Ghana Indian - Kofi Annan Centre of Excellces | Accra

2021-2022 | Completed

Projects Made

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Mobile App Developer

2022 - present

Cross-Switch Ghana

Mobile Application Developer | Internship

october 2023 - December 2023

University of Mines and Technology

Wordpress Developer

June 2023 - Present

company name

Not yet


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